Travel in Albania

Esel Dental transforms your trip to Albania for dental care into a short stay of leisure and relaxation or a holiday with friends and family.

We plan your trip to our country together with you, agreeing on dates, flights and specific needs. We opt for maximum convenience that never compromises the quality and efficiency of our services, always well organized to invite you to explore our land while recovering a beautiful and natural smile. Food is never left behind,based on your taste we will help you choose the best restaurants and also enjoy the amazing Albanian food.


Esel Dental has created and offers you a series of agreements for the best hotels in Tirana and discounts for transfers from abroad, helping us to organize your trip.We take care of every detail by reserving a special welcome when you arrive at the airport or port of Durres. Our carriers take you exactly to the hotel booked with us (or to the hotel you have personally chosen for your stay in Tirana) and to the clinic where you will be subjected to effective treatment.


Our clinic has an agreement with different hotels, the best hotels located in the heart of the city. Surrounded by the main cultural attractions of the capital, the hotels guarantees comfort, cleanliness and courtesy by offering 16 fully equipped accommodations in which to stay in the utmost privacy.

With access to

24 Hour

